Monday, February 20, 2023

We got news on Saturday that all of us at the Ranch have to vacate

Cynthia the Barn manager came down to tell us we all have to be off the ranch by May 1st. She said she did not know who the person was giving these orders, except that it was a man. She said she thinks the Ranch has been sold privately.  Devasting news as we love it there and have been there a long time, it would be 7 years this June. 

So Doug got busy right away before the other boarders did and contacted our good friend who knows what is out there. She referred us to a place just across the way that is amazing. We now have four stalls booked for April, and they were the last stalls available and in a row together. There are about 40 horses at the Ranch and Cynthia was living there. So it is hardest for her.


  1. Oh gosh, that must have been a shock. Glad you managed to get those last stalls available nearby and hope that the horses soon settle there.

  2. Whoa, that would be a shock! At least it turned out well for you. Do your horses settle in easily?

    1. We will see, it is totally different to where were are now. Smaller stalls, narrow aisles and not really any trails. I am hoping that somehow this is a temporary thing and we can move back.

  3. Glad Doug acted quickly and found a place for your horses, but I did read your comment about there being not really any trails. Since we moved here in 1995 I've never had to board so can only imaginek how stressful an eviction would be, but HAVE experienced a dramatic loss of available 'trails' and know how disappointing that is. – Michelle
