Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I have been focusing on riding Karrot for the past few weeks. Almost every day I have tacked up and taken him into the arena, and then out through the main gate and onto the trails. The first few tries he would not go very far. Then bit by bit he went farther. Then stable mate Stacey invited us to go with her and after that Karrot went all the way around the shortest and easiest trail circuit. He has done that twice now and I will do it several more times before we branch out and explore other trails.Stacey and I did go on one of the other trails as well. Karrot was bomb proof. My main concern is his fitness level and physical capabilities. He is 27 now.
I was hoping to ride Coco, but she got sand colic and it has taken weeks for her to get back to eating normally.

 Below is Karrot out on the trail.and having a bath afterwards.