Saturday, November 29, 2014

Coco lets Milo sit on her back. Thanksgiving visit with Amara and Aiden at Nancy and Jessie's.

Monday, November 10, 2014

The focus has been on Coco a 15 year old Morgan mare owned by Doug's daughter.
Coco had a colic that lasted for a month and a half. Originally diagnosed as sand colic. She would get better one week and then have a relapse. Doug's ex who fed and cared for Coco was leaving to go on vacation, she asked us if we would take care of Coco. I looked for Coco who had been turned out. She was colicing again. I called the vet. The vet could not find anything such as an impaction, but suspected something much more serious. The following morning we took Coco to the vet hospital a short drive away. She was xrayed and a large enterolith or stone was seen in her colon. She had to be operated on immediately as death was the only other outcome. Doug contacted his daughter and she talked to the vet. Fortunately she had the funds to pay for the operation and recovery at the hospital. I went out side to tell the person holding Coco and she  took Coco to be prepped for surgery. I watched the operation from a viewing area, it took about 3 hours. An enterolith that weighed 9 lbs and measured 10 inches across was removed from her. Coco spent 10 days at the hospital and Doug and I went out every day to walk her and let her eat grass.Doug's daughter and grand girls also went to see her and walk her. So now Coco is back at home and is doing really well. She can not be ridden for two months, but she is making an amazing recovery.