Thursday, December 30, 2021

Record breaking rainfall

 It rained most of the day yesterday and all night. Our roof is leaking in two places. We need a new roof but we can not afford it. ( it will be patched by  husband Doug) It must be a record breaking rainfall and should be the end of the drought. I need to check on line to see how full Lake Oroville and Lake Mendocino are in N California, as a gauge to see how we are doing with rainfall and snow. We must go out to see the horses later this morning. I will be wearing full yellow slicker rain gear and rubber boots. In past years we have had to walk the mile in from the main road because the road from there was impassable, it is not paved. The horses may be standing in a lake of water. They are kept in pens with "shaders" to shelter under, and are wearing water proof blankets.( with some padding to keep them warm) It is cold for us here about 44 degrees F right now at 9am.


  1. Well, I'm glad for the end of your drought, but understand about leaky roofs and expense. We discovered a leak in ours LAST winter, patched it and planned to reroof this summer but never could 'pull the trigger.'

    1. We are hoping in the next few years, thankfully our climate is fairly arid.

  2. A leaky roof and heavy rain not ideal. Hope you can get it soundly patched by your dear man. Have you stables to bring the horses into in bad weather?

    1. Picture on don't forget you can click on it to make it bigger.

  3. He will have to go on up there and patch. I am thankful that the roofs are low here. No they are in pens with a shader and blankets on.This is the normal here I will put a picture on shortly so that you can see what I mean.

  4. Thankyou for your comment, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one with this opinion.
