Tuesday, September 29, 2020

First Ride

Knight was great, Coco had to trot most of the way to keep up. This is good because she needs to be fitter and lose some weight. Knight was ridden in a ported kemberwicke ( kimblewick if you are English) with a curb chain. This was ineffective as husband Doug riding him had to pull him around in a circle a few times. but we did trot and canter for a few strides uphill. We saw the train twice fairly close which honked its horn and everything was new, but Knight was unmovable and enjoying himself. A bit with a bigger port that is a curb is on order. This is the kind of bit we use on Coco,

she loves it and has a very soft mouth in it. When we first rode her she was impossible to stop or slow in a snaffle.


  1. And I had my third little solo ride on Stella today (bareback with a halter and lead rope)!

    1. Fantastic for you !! working with horses is so great. We are enjoying ourselves.

  2. Glad he is proving to be sensible out hacking. Hope the new bit suits him.

    1. We will see, it is a shame that he has developed a hard mouth. Coco our other horse was the same.
