Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Me and the tumbleweed with Kole sniffing it and one of our horses Pesky .
It's tumbleweed season. This big weed was right by the horses when we arrived. They are very thorny and the only way to handle them is either with gloves on or by the stem. This one kept being blown by the slight breeze toward  Karrot and Coco when we had them tied to the hitching post ready to go trail riding. Karrot would not have been bothered, Coco I am not sure about. So rather than take the risk I put it in the nearest round pen to corral it. Out on the ride we came across several rolling around and both horses were fine no spooks.

1 comment:

  1. I've handled a few of those tumbleweeds when we lived in Colorado, they are like rolling hedgehogs, prickly indeed :)
