Thursday, June 7, 2012

New York,  New York  wow ! We got on a Jet Blue plane at Burbank after a 40 minute drive to the airport. I noticed a passenger standing at the front of the plane chatting with a flight attendant. I thought he looked familular. It was Ron Livinston who was the star of one of our all time favorites, Office Space. Doug thanked him later as he was standing in line with us to get a taxi. No one else acknowledged him, was this deliberate or was the movie too old. Onward to our hotel in Brooklyn. A crazy ride in a yellow taxi. The trash and graffitti and tenements were everything I expected Brooklyn to look like. Our hotel was great, very new and clean. We met up with Heather and Ryan who were staying in the same place, but they had a view from their room. The next morning was the wedding, rain had been forecast. Heather helped me curl my hair, I had never used a curling iron before and now want one. We waited for a taxi in the hotel lobby feeling conspicuous in our wedding finery. We arrived at Prospect Park Brooklyn. We had to walk to the Boat House where the wedding was to take place. There was a flurry of activity. I recognised several of Eddy's friends who were setting out plants and a white runner in the aisle that was blowing around in the breeze. Suddenly I spotted Stephanie's parents who had come from Seoul Korea. We had met them when we went to Korea last October. Both can speak some english. It was so nice to see them again. S mom Young Oke looked ravishing in a cream colored ensemble with a dark hat, and her dad Bumpal very handsome in his suit. So the wedding commenced, I had to walk Eddy down the aisle as per Korean custom. S looked absolutely gorgeous in a Vera Wang strapless. Eddy very suave in a navy pin stripe suit with bow tie.  The official photographer began taking pictures, which was an interesting experience having a camera in your face a lot. He stayed until the reception was over, we went on the subway to get there. He was very charismatic and entertaining to see. On the subway he got off several times to take pictures from the platform. Lots of comments on the subway and interest, who ses New Yorkers are rude and cold. Everywhere we went this was disproved. But the subway rides were the roughest, joltiest rides that I have ever had, you had to hang on tight. The reception was at the Modern in Manhatten . The service and food were exceptonal., which inspired Doug to give the maitre d a very big tip. We went on then to a bar called Lillie's, named after Lillie Langtry with  decorating that looked like the cistine chapel. Very fun chatting to all  E friends. Very tired later.
The next day we went to where Eddy works so that I could see his office. He never said that he worked in the Trump building across from Tiffany's and the stock exchange on Wall St. I should add that he works as a Civil Engineer for LERA who built the Twin Towers and he is currently engineering  a very tall building in Seoul Korea.
Then we went on to see Ground Zero, very nicely done with water  disapearing in to the earth. Then Central Park. We finally had some rain and thunder as we were strolling through.  We ended the day with a Korean dinner in Eddy and Steph's cozy little apartment in Astoria. S mom had been busy cooking it all  and it was delicious. Back to the Hotel and ready to leave via taxi the following morning to JFK and home.

On returning home we found that the dogs had somehow jumped out of a window and were loose outside. They were very happy to see us.

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