Wednesday, December 9, 2020

High Winds and Knight has a cold

Two anxiety producing things have happened in the past week. Our horse Knight has an upper respiratory virus and a cough and can not be ridden or even allowed to exercise much until he is better. Very high winds caused our power to be turned off. This means no TV, lights, internet etc. After a day we managed to borrow a generator from a family member and saved the food we had in fridge and freezer. The power is now routinely turned off during high winds in our area because of the possibility of wild fires being started from downed lines etc. My husband Doug has already ordered a  generator and the fittings he needs to hook it up to natural gas. Both of us work from home so if the internet stays up we will be Ok for the next big winds. Knight is improving steadily and it takes about two weeks for what he has to get better.


  1. Sorry to hear about Knight; at least it is something he will get over. Lance lives with Inflammatory Airway Disease and at the end of last week it flared up into a scary episode of heaves. So we added three days of Ventipulmin to his perennial twice-daily prednisolone to get it calmed back down.

    1. Hi Michelle, just wanted to say I got nosy and went across to your blog and what a star Stella was on that trail. Some great photos and what a stunning head she has. Is she Morgan?

    2. Yes, but worrying when it first happened as to what it was and then keeping him under observation because of pneumonia being a possibility. To Bovey Belle, to answer for Michelle. Yes Stella is a Morgan, but with different bloodlines. Ours was "show bred" thankfully he is calm !!

    3. Yes, BB, she is! Marlane and I are amazed at how similar she and Knight look, down to their white markings. Would love to have you follow along on my 'dressage' (more of a 'general training' right now) blog!

  2. I hope Knight is better soon. At least it's just a cold and not strangles - that spreads SO quickly in a livery yard situation.

    You have my sympathies for being without power - that used to happen a lot here when we first arrived - hundreds of trees overhanging the power lines. A generator is the way to go - I mean, the moment we got one, they decided to cut trees back and we never had to use it in anger!!

    1. That is funny about the trees being cut down. We are just happy that we can afford one right now and that Doug has the know how to hook it up to the house.

    2. Strangles is a real possibility and dry land distemper or pigeon fever another scary thing. Supposedly ( according to the former owners) Knight has been vaccinated against the ones that you can.
