Friday, August 14, 2020

Karrot so far

Has not had any significant improvement from his acupuncture and laser treatments.  That's Ok I gave it a go and now have other ways to see if I can help him.  One is to feed him turmeric with black pepper added. He loves this and has eaten some twice now with just a bit of water added in his grain. He gets bute when he looks as if he is in pain. I am trying light massage in the hip area and Reiki healing there also. He fell down a few days ago and seems none the worse for it. So all in all I am happy that he is stable. Next is really tuning in to his weight loss. I am thinking that the senior feed he is eating that is formulated for Cushings and horses prone to laminitis is too low in carbs. I will be getting some regular feed for him at the next visit to the feed store. Plus more shavings to cushion him when he falls.


  1. A little aged pony which was at the yard where my friend Trish kept her pony was 40 and getting skeletal from sheer old age. I had heard about a feed with supplements - essential minerals and trace elements. He did really well on it and lived to be 45, well covered to the end. I think a gut balancer might help too. Hope you can help him.

    1. Thanks, yes all those feed issues are being addressed Karrot gets a special feed for seniors with essential minerals trace elements probiotics etc. But I think he needs more carbohydrates and protein. I am thinking the difference between my KETO diet and people who gain weight on sugar and carbs. I would like Karrot to live until he was 45. The main thing is the ground squirrels were eating his feed and we have made a feeder to stop them. That was only a month ago.
