Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Horse things

I am happy to see that I do have some actual readers of my blog here. So that encourages me to write more often. Usually one, maybe two have read it. Don't worry I do not know who has read it, unless that person leaves a comment. No one has left any comments for either of my blogs for a long time. I have blogged since 2012 on this one and more recently on my picture pedigree one. But that is Ok because this is like a diary to me but a public one.
It may be a little while until I continue work on my painting. I have been preoccupied in making my old King Karrot age 33, as comfortable as possible in his environment. Yesterday my husband and I made a special pad for him to lean against so that he can sleep. Karrot feels he is unable to lie down to sleep. He has a problem with one of his back legs. So his body goes into a deep sleep every week or so and he falls down to the ground. I set up a wild life camera so that I could see what was happening. It is a miracle that he is able to get up again and has not seriously hurt himself so far. Everyday I wonder if I am going to get THE phone call from the person who feeds the horses first thing in the morning. But I have done everything I can, and my philosophy is that in life each moment should be a good one.The photo shows me and Karrot about six years ago. Click to bigify. He is a Morgan Horse.


  1. Just to let you know that the link worked. Sorry to hear that Karrot is towards the end of his days. I imagine you have had him since a youngster and so it will be very hard when you have to say goodbye. He's beautiful. I've always had a soft spot for Morgans.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks so much foe your comment !!

  2. He's a beautiful BIG horse, as with most of the Morgans.
    Hoping that the acupuncture will help his ailments be less troublesome, and his twilight years, more enjoyable.
    Thank you for leaving a lovely comment on the passing of my Oliver, it truly made my day brighter.
    Hugs dear friend,
