Thursday, September 13, 2018

Tomorrow we head to the race track. Doug needs to test the race car before we go to the Nationals in October. Time is running out. Our friend Gunnar is coming with us to help. This is good because he is a racer himself and knows more about the technicalities than I do. It is supposed to be quite hot and we will be there all day. There is a restaurant at the track so no worries about food and drink. It is just a matter of staying cool and hydrated and keeping calm.  We have to get going by 7am and meet Gunner at a car park along the way. It takes about an hour and a half to get there. We have a friend feeding the horses their lunch. We go every day except Sunday to turn the horses out and feed them lunch. We pay for them to be fed morning and night and to be mucked out. So they will be fine for a day. If any prospective burglars are reading this Doug's son lives with us, so someone will be home.


  1. That sounds like a busy day for you. Hope it's not too hot.

    1. It was very hot I had to keep wetting a bandana to put around my neck and stay in the shade. It was 92F
