Friday, January 6, 2023

A sunny day after the rain.

We had a lot of rain and more rain is coming on Monday. My garden is so happy. I was out earlier mowing the grass. My lungs do not allow me to get full breaths, as I have had a horrible cough for the last week and a half. So I felt light headed and had to rest quite often. I am sitting now with a cup of tea resting, but glad to tidy up outside. We live in a cul de sac with neighbors so I always feel as if I need to keep up appearances with my garden in the front that is visible. The back is more relaxed, although I did mow there also. Earlier in the day we went out to the horses as usual. Muddy out there, but we could turn out the horses to get some exercise. I wore my rubber boots.When it rained we had a major roof leak in our middle bedroom. The mattress and box spring got wet on one corner. So husband Doug has gone to the hardware with the truck to get a long ladder and other supplies to fix the leak. We are going to have a new roof put on soon. It is just choosing the right time when the rain has stopped for the year.


  1. Sorry to hear about the leak. Something you could have done without.

    Glad the horses can still stretch their legs and have a good roll. Pouring here this morning (1/4 to 5 a.m. - couldn't sleep).

    1. Doug will be up on the roof this afternoon before the next round of rain.

  2. Hopefully you managed to fix the roof pretty quick. It was raining here this morning but has brightened up now.

    1. We are now thinking we can patch the roof, Doug has successfully done about four patches in different places and we can put off the expense of having the whole roof done.

  3. Oh, no! That's not good. The leak, that is. I know the horses enjoyed getting out.

    1. Those horses get quite upset if they do not go out.
