Saturday, August 25, 2018

In the mood to write something

We have had a very hot and humid summer here in Simi Valley, California. It is starting to cool down now. I am sitting here typing this in my office and it is 81 degrees. That's about 27C. The main advantage to the humidity is that I don't get an electric shock every time I touch metal, such as the car door handle. Next are the Santa Ana winds and wildfire season.  No rain expected until at least November. We have lush green gardens because we have irrigation systems.  But we  pay for it, our water bill is about $100 a month. Thant's about 77 British Pounds. My husband has cut down on the amount of showers that he takes because he has a itchy skin condition and so we can save on our water bill. It certainly has helped his skin, as a normal thing here is to take a shower every day. I try to get away with taking a shower only once a week.
I am busy working on my garden, as I can be outside more now that it is cooler.
My husband Doug went to the Health Club for the first time in his life today at age 71. He is competing in the SCCA National runoffs in October and wants to gt fit. He will be driving a race car for 30 minutes.
This is me and Doug in 2011 with another race car that we had and sold. Our new one is similar but is silver. I see a picture of it in an earlier post below after the garden posts.
That is Doug's gloved hand in front of his face not some kind of weird tube.
I would really enjoy a comment or two to encourage me to keep on blogging.


  1. That's a long time to wait for rain.As you know, we had a broiling hot summer this year, and nearly ran out of water, so had to manage as best we could recycling water from the house to the garden from having a shallow bath. Your garden will repay you for cherishing it. Since it began raining at the beginning of August, all the weeds have returned with a vengeance!!

  2. We do wait a long time for rain. It has taken me many years to get used to it, being a British native. But I can turn on a hose and the sprinkler system. It gets us with the expense, but I would rather spend money on water than many other things.
