Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Settling in and the first tulip.

Our seating area.

My back garden and the tulip middle left.

We have been at the new place for five days now and we are getting into a daily routine. The horses are in turnout in the pictures. We have made a seating area facing our pens under a shade tree. We made the last trip to the old place to get out stuff yesterday. We still have some things to do to get fully settled, such as organize our tack shed and then getting the horses used to the new sights and sounds and then finally riding them. We have met some awesome new friends as well.


  1. It sounds like the new place is working out! Hey, you won my lambing contest (blog update coming soon), so I'll need to know what prize you would like! – Michelle

    1. I will get back with you shortly on your blog !!

  2. This looks like a nice place and your garden is beautiful.

    1. Thank you, so far the new place is working out well thankfully. I was so anxious!!

  3. What a relief the new place seems to fit the bill (perhaps even better than where you were before?)

    Your garden is beautiful. I am fighting the weeds - masses of wild strawberries on the bank, which - though lovely to eat - are pesky critters for spreading!
