Monday, November 14, 2022

It was a beautiful day to go for a ride.

 But not without mishaps. Doug's stirrup leather broke going down a hill. I saw him get off and asked what are you doing. He was able to tie a knot in the leather, but it took a while, in the mean time Coco and Knight were both getting very restless. I kept saying lead him down to a flat area.  Someone stole our  mounting block that we had at the bottom of the hill. So Doug fell down while trying to get on Knight from a bank. He got on at the second try and Knight stood still, . Then Knight got a tumble weed in between his back legs but was OK with it, Then we had to walk the mile or so back home, no trotting because Doug forgot to wear his half chaps and the knot was right under his legs. I don't think Knight has ever stayed in a walk for so long, he is a very high energy horse.  The stirrup leathers have gone to a repair shop, the stitching was the culprit. I will take another mounting block down there at some point.


  1. Knight must have thought, why are they just WALKING all the time?!! Lovely sunshine. We are in the grey winter-approach here, which I'm sure you remember well.

    1. Yes Knight is quite the character. We have ongoing issues with him wanting to go faster than his rider would like. I do remember the English winters. I think the weather is a big part of the English culture.
