Friday, March 26, 2021

Tandy out on a trail ride

 After about 30 days of lunging and long lining, Doug decided it was time to get on Tandy and ride him. Coco went out as lead horse, but Tandy led the whole way. We are fortunate to have a open space on a private ranch to ride. Mounting and dismounting Tandy are the main trouble spots. I held Tandy and let him eat grain while Doug got on. Also the mounting block had to be up against a rail to stop him from sidling away. Then dismounting was troublesome, as Tandy wanted to jump forward as soon as Doug took his foot out of the stirrup. This horse has been"professionally" trained. But something went wrong. Tandy was very brave out on the trail and did not spook at anything. So different from the Arabians and Thoroughbreds that I have experienced in the past. 



  1. Well, Stella is a long way from going out on a trail ride, but she's really good for mounting and dismounting!

    1. We will be working to get him to be the perfect trail horse.

  2. Glad he was such a good boy out on the ride. The mount/dismount will come in time.

  3. It will take time and already he is better .. so rewarding.
