Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Family visit

The family at a Korean Barbecue in LA

We had my son and family and daughter come and stay at our house. We are fortunate to have enough bedrooms. My son came from New York and my daughter from the Reno area. We are also fortunate that the airport is only half an hours drive away. From left : my husband Doug, his grandson, and son, across the table my daughter, daughter in law who is from Korea, my son and grand daughter. Below is a better photo taken by a kind food server with me in it.


  1. Haven't seen you for awhile.Good looking family!

  2. Thanks Sandra, I know right. I have so few followers I just don't think it is worth the effort some times. But I do like to inspire or entertain others as well as myself every once in a while.

  3. What a wonderful family gathering!
