Saturday, August 31, 2024

A custom Pedigree for Sit Down Grandpa

  I am enjoying very much making a custom pedigree for retired race horse Sit Down Grandpa. Here is his pedigree so far. Someday I should compile a list of the many custom pedigrees that I have put together of OTTB s  plus many other breeds including Quarter horses, Morgan Horses and Paints. I was able to find contact information from his original breeder and owner. I was curios about why "Gram" was named Sit Down Grandpa. Plus I want photos of the dam and grandam.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Our cat finally crossed the rainbow bridge at age 15

Here is the obituary for Smokey our cat. He will be the last house animal.

Smokey as a youngster on the right with Ciel his beloved companion

 Our precious little cat Smokey crossed the rainbow bridge this afternoon at the age of 15. He left us peacefully while in a deep sleep. He had been ill for a while but rallied bravely until the end. RIP our little boy you were the best cat we ever had. Thanks to Coral Cremation of Thousand Oaks for their immediate response.